Car Portraits

I can paint a wonderful rendition of your favorite vehicle or motorcycle. From your photograph or mine. You can be in it too!

63 VW
U Haul Dodge
46 Ford
58 Chevy Apache
59 Cadillac Coop de Ville
old Ford
52 Chevy
Old Ford
Cali Car
Kool School
Kewl Bus
Cuba Car
Rusty Cock
1 of 3
63 VW

63 VW

40" x 30" acrylic on canvas original and giclees available

40"H x 30"W x 2"D

3500. 00 original

U Haul Dodge

U Haul Dodge

Acrylic on canvas Original and giclees available

30"H x 40"W x 2"D


46 Ford

46 Ford

Acrylic on canvas

30"H x 40"W x 2"D


58 Chevy Apache

58 Chevy Apache

Acrylic on canvas giclees available original sold

price varies depending on size

59 Cadillac Coop de Ville

59 Cadillac Coop de Ville

Acrylic on canvas original sold

giclees available

old Ford

old Ford



Photo on canvas

24"H x 18"W x 2"D

52 Chevy

52 Chevy




Old Ford

Old Ford

Cali Car

Cali Car

Kool School

Kool School

Kewl Bus

Kewl Bus

Cuba Car

Cuba Car

Rusty Cock

Rusty Cock